Monday 25 May 2009

Work Experience: Casting Audition

A few weeks back I accompanied my lecturer Lesley as she held a mock casting session for performing arts students at a venue in Bath. The audition was to give the students an insight into a professional casting scenario, which Lesley has experience of. The actors were required to read a selection of scenes and have a brief chat with the production members running the audition about themselves and the role.

I filmed the auditions which were later compiled into a short video for the students to watch back to get an idea of how they look in the role.

I was invited by Lesley to take over her position at one point and interview a candidate and take them through the audition process. I really enjoyed this as it gave me the opportunity to express myself creatively as well as demonstrating my abilities with the technology. I can certainly see myself casting actors in future productions and as I want to direct in the future as well, being given the opportunity to talk to actors one on one really improved my communication skills.

I come form an acting background and so I felt comfortable in the roles I undertook during the day. I'm leaning towards the producing side of a production but feel that my background lends well to communicating with the talents in the production.

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